Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Healthy Cooking & Chronically ill

It's one thing to have a chronic illness, it's another to take care of yourself and your family at the same time. I find myself in a constant battle between what my body needs and a total lack of energy to be able to give it just that. And then there's my children, who of course wouldn't mind so much to eat fries and pizza every day, but with whom I don't want  to take any risk of future illnesses so I want to feed them right.

It's a strange thing: I'm a professional life- and health coach. My job was helping people to start or maintain a healthy lifestyle. No matter the circumstances: food allergies, health issues, budgets...you name it. Ofcourse, that expertise had started becáuse of my ME/cfs. It had forced me in the past to find out all about the health and food connection. But now I'm in a bad flare up, I sometimes wonder how on earth I can manage to put something healthy on the table today.

My answer is: choices, planning and prepping. I consciously choose to give my children fastfood sometimes. But then I choose the least damaging of the "bad stuff". For me, I know I really get sicker if I do that, so if I want to have an easy way out, I take something from the freezer.
And that's where the prepping and planning comes in: when I know I'm going to cook something, I plan around it. No other activities for that day. And then the cooking: always in big batches, so I can keep the leftovers in the freezer for the bad days.

I made a short video about it. You can find it on my You Tube channel (link below). I talk about why it's so important to cook, even though you might not feel up to it. And I share some tips.

I'm curious how you do it. You can let me know in the comments on You Tube or here. Looking forward to hear from you!

Take care,

Mama Sanna

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Love, Sanna