Sunday, October 11, 2020

The missing link in "the Secret" part 2

2 days ago I wrote about the Missing Link in the Secret. (You can find it here) But it wasn't complete. The fact is, it's not easy to find the words to fully describe the process. That's why there have been so many misunderstandings about it ofcourse. That's why for tens of thousands of years, people have been trying to figure it out. And that's why I can't blame the makers of the Secret that they "forgot" that chapter. Because their task was to make us aware it existed. From there on, we had to embark on the journey to unlock this powerful tool that we all have to our disposal.

The beautiful thing that is happening now, is that I see we -as: all of us, humans- are now ready to really grasp it. We have evolved enough to be able to "see" it! Both on a personal level and as a society we have come to a level of consciousness that we know that there's more to life than the things we can see, taste or touch. In other words: that there's more "out there" than we can conceive with our 5 senses. And the most beautiful thing is, that it's not only a "belief system" anymore, but that even science can "see" it! Einstein talked about energy and timelines. That may have sounded difficult or even abracadabra, but Quantum Physics proves us he was right. And where in the old days, the "ordinary" man in the street wouldn't have access to all this information, now the internet and our education has given everybody the key to unlock this knowledge. The secret is out!
As a matter of fact, apparently this information is so crucial to our further development/evolution that I see the subject coming up everywhere. That's no coincidence, that's synchronicity. A major part of the Law of Attraction and I love to talk about that some more in the future. Just yesterday I noticed that my friend
had also posted a blog on "the missing link in the Secret". How amazing is that? I love those synchronicities. And it proved to me how important it is to share this information with you all in these times. We are ready for it! We are making the shift to a broader consciousness !

So...that all being we go. I told you about the emotions as a key factor in the message that you send out to the universe. Today I want to dive deeper in that, because these emotions are connected to beliefs and patterns that have their roots not only in your childhood, but even further than that.
What're not only this person that we see now? What if the real you, the you inside of you is an everliving consciousness that goes on forever? Like they say: a spiritual being, having an earthly experience? Let's make it simple and call that part of you, the soul. This soul is everlasting and exists in and outside of this body. It has been in a body before, and will be in a new body here after. And in between...well we'll talk about that some more some other time. 🙂
This inner you, your Soul, also has experiences. And from those you have also formed beliefs and patterns.
But this soul is also connected to all of us. We are deeply connected on energy/soul level. We are one! So there are also collective experiences. Like the ones we can find in our history books. And then there's your ancestors, your family history. There are a lot of experiences there, too. Which all, subconsciously, live inside of YOU. (There is a part of the science of genetics, called epigenetics that also focuses on that part. very interesting!)
So ALL of that, that huge amount of "information" is somewhere in your subconsciousness. And it forms your belief system, your behaviour for a very large part.

So now you want to create your dream life. Let's take an example. You want to be rich. You watched the Secret, you use affirmations and you are ready to create. But it doesn't happen. Now what?
Here the real work starts. What is blocking you? There are many layers to discover here. And just like this work will take effort and time, explaining it all in detail will take many words and much of your time. It's a journey. A journey in one's Self and with that journey come all kinds of discoveries.
Key to be able to really undertake this journey is....surrendering. To let go of wanting to control the outcome. To really trust that there is a greater mind, a higher consciousness that assists you in your journey. That will bring you what is needed to come to the outcome you really intrinsically desire. And here's something to realize: when you go down this path and dive down in the deeper layers of you, peel yourself off like an onion to come to the core....You might just realise that the original desire "I want to be rich" suddenly isn't that important anymore. You might find out that your true wishes are something entirely different. And that thát is why it didn't happen! You might find out your soul had a total different purpose in mind when you came here. And the wish "to be rich" was a wish that came from your ego, your personality for some reason. Maybe you have experienced poverty in childhood, for instance. Or you felt you needed to be rich to achieve some kind of status. Then the underlying emotion is always one of lack, of "needing" something to feel better. But in order to create, you already should be feeling the emotion of what you're attracting. Because "Like attracts like", right? So if you're desperate and you're trying to attract happiness and abundance....that just doesn't match up!

So...simply put: the LOA only works when your emotions and the intentions of your soul are in sync with your desire. If they don't match up, you won't attract it. That doesn't necessarily mean that you won't be able to get to your desired outcome, but it will take an enormous effort. You will only get there by sheer will power. Whereas, if you get in the flow of the LOA everything comes to you easily. You will see synchronicities happening everywhere, and that will push you forward even more. Creating will be fun!

Try to trust the process you're in. Even when you're experiencing difficulties and challenges. When you look from the perspective of the soul, this everlasting "you", this lifetime is just a blink of an eye. A millisecond in eternity! Everything that happens in our lives is happening FOR us, not TO us. It's there to help us come closer to our real selves. Closer to Source.
Abundance is in everything. Even in sorrow and pain. And I know that is really hard to believe sometimes. But what if your suffering is needed to be able to become a "better" version of you in the long run? What if your suffering forces you to go in a different direction and because of that you will live your purpose? And what if someone's suffering is needed to raise the consciousness of a community or even the whole of humankind?
It is in the "letting go"; the surrender that we will give room to the universe to get us to our desired outcome. But letting go might just be the hardest part of it all.

Friday, October 9, 2020

The Missing Link in "the Secret" part 1

When we talk about the "Law of Attraction", lots of people think about the movie The Secret. Back in the day, this was a lifechanging film for most of us. Remember?
For me, it was the first time that I consciously realized that we attract life events, people, situations etc. by the vibration that we send out. "Like attracts like".

I've always been very good at attracting things. But I wasn't consiously doing it. Except for parking places. 😜 I álways find a parking spot, where ever I go. It's always been that way. And I created really wonderful things in my life: when I really wanted something, it just happened. But on the flipside: I could create chaos and dramas in my life as well. Gained money, lost money...built businesses, busted businesses. I just didn't know what I was doing. In terms of the Law of Attraction (LOA): I was sending out mixed messages. (and that's an understatement 🙈)

After the Secret, I met many people that were pushing their way to "abundance". Most of them failed. "Ah, that stuff doesn't work", they said. But worked!
If they, with their conscious mind, sent out the message: I'm rich!, but subconsiously were convinced that "I need money", "I don't have enough money" or "please, I need money!", they sent out a totally different message! the message the Universe received was: "I'm in lack". OK, the universe said: we'll give you more of that.

So what's the deal here? What did the Secret fail to mention? In short: energy responds to energy. And we transmit energy by our feelings, our emotions. And these emotions are triggered by our thoughts. But most of all by our subconscious thoughts.
Our conscious mind only makes up 5% of our thoughts. That means we are run by our subconscious mind for 95% of the time! Now I don't know about you, but the beliefs, patterns and thoughts that my subconscious mind had stored up weren't exactly that positive about abundance. In my conscious mind I could say "I'm open to receive", but 95% of me said: "you're not worth it"!!

This happened to me in relationships, business, name it. I emptied myself out everywhere, and if I received (as I said: I AM a very good creator!), I gave it away or lost it immediately. I just didn't know what to do with it.

In the FREE 4 day workshop, starting on october 12, we will talk about the Law of Attraction too. In day 1, we will talk about what your perfect day would look like. And on day 2 we will discuss the money vibes. Because what we think about money, says a lot about how we think of ourselves and of life in general. To me, the money mindset course was a real eye opener! I will tell you more about that later.

Anyway...there's more to the Law of Attraction than you think. And I will tell you about it here But if you get down to the core of that "Secret", you will find that life is abundant. In éverything!!! And it gives us everything we need. Yes....everything. (even though we don't always like it at first glance)

Sanna J.

Monday, September 28, 2020

St Michael's day 2020: the passage

Michael's message 2020 as received on september 27 by Sanna Jonkhart

"This age is about light over shadow and truth over perception"

What you see as reality, as "true", solid and real is an image, created in this 3D world you live in and perceived with your physical senses. There's nothing "wrong" with that. It's the physical realm you came to live in when you chose to enter this world. However, in essence you are energy as is everything. You're energy that has taken on a solid form: matter. And so is everything in your world. But the source of everything is energy and it's from energy that matter is formed.

When I show you this age is about light over shadow and truth over perception, it is meant to say that HumanKind is growing into a new state of consciousness. More and more you will see that what you perceive as "reality" is not real at all. It's a projection, an experience where WE (all of "us": that is to say...we are alle one. We are all -'as in heaven as on earth"- ONE expressed in uncountable forms) explore, learn and grow. HumanKind is discovering that this lifeform, this place in the universe, this limited view on life is NOT THE WHOLE TRUTH. That, in're all Gods and Goddesses (as you call it). And that everything is part of you. That everything IS you. And that you are LOVE.

Remember who you really are

This "waking up" as you call it, is something that is scary. Because once you open your eyes to the new reality, so to speak, you see much clearer. And you see all that is not "right". That is: you see the shadows, the dark. That's not because it wasn't there before, it's just that you see so much clearer now where the light is. When you start to remember who you really are, you come more into the vibration of your true essence (which is Love), and then everything that doesn't vibrate with that causes a dissonance. You sense something's "off". And the more you open up to these (at first very subtle) signals, the more you will sense what syncs with you, and what doesn't. And the more you get back in touch with the real "core" that is you (love), the more you will feel attracted to things, people, events, behaviour etc. that vibrates on that level. That's what you will call "good", and all the rest is "bad" or "evil". Or...light and dark. But those are only words, they're judgements founded on the experience that you are all in now. For us here in the spheres, there is no "good" of "bad"...They are just sides of the medal, or phases in the process of movement. Just like the night is followed by the day, or spring comes after winter...


So what we ask of you at this time is to keep the faith. This is a passage. Just like you're going through a passage in the seasons at the moment, now Fall has begun, humankind is going through a passage as well. And just like you would prepare for winter, by stocking up, clearing the garden and changing your tires on your car or buying an umbrella, you should also prepare for wintertime in a greater sense. In a plane you would say: "buckle up", because there is turbulence coming your way. There's no reason to panic however. Celebrate the seasons, they all have their charms. And you know.....Spring will come!

Just like some winters are severe, long and cold and others are short and languorous, you can't do anything about it. You just have to go along. Take it as it comes. A lot of things are happening now, and we understand it brings up fear. But you have to know you have been prepared for this. You all are! You have everything you need: just turn inside! You can see it. The  real you. You don't have to run harder, panic or fight to force this winter to end sooner. It's not necessary and it's no use. The wheels are turning. Observe with love. It has begun! The big change has started!


Try to lean back in love and faith. Because we're in this together. All of us! As on earth as in heaven. We're preparing the earth to be the place humankind has been imagining for so long. It is time to celebrate.
With every dark thing that is uncovered, you're one step closer. Do you see? Nothing that has been hidden will be able to stay that way. Even though many will try. But you know: when you shine a torch so bright that it will light up the whole room, no shadow will remain.

We know these are challenging times for all of you. It's not easy and we understand your fear. Try to go back to your core as much as possible, and you will feel no fear. You will feel the connection, and remember you are here becáuse this is a special time. You are needed here so we can all take earth and humanity to the next chapter. We're in this together. We've got your back.

#stmichael #energyhealing #transformation #evolution #fear #winter #fall #love #empowerment #findyourpurpose 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Long Haul

Fighting my PEM/Flare after having had 4 very good weeks (and did too much, evidently ;) ), I'm thinking about the chats I have had in the latest months. I have heard many people discussing their fears about Covid 19 with me. Taken aside the whole discussion about the numbers game or how bad it really is etc. etc., there's one major concern that is raised by a lot of you. And that is: the amazing number of people that are left with symptoms after they had Covid. Even people with a mild infection sometimes are left with Post Covid symptoms. This has left a lot of people saying that Covid 19 is really very bad, because "You'll never recover from it". Or: "it's worse than the flu, because I never heard of people that are left sick after they had the flu".

Today I want to debunk that myth. 

For decades now, people all over the world have experienced similar problems: they had an infection and never really recovered. It could be the flu, a stomach bug, Mono ("Pfeiffer").... It could have been mild or even pretty nasty, that doesn't seem to make the difference: these people's lives turned upside down and  they never became the same as they were before.

For these people, a nightmare started: doctor's visits didn't bring any relief, only more questions. No diagnoses, no abnormalities in the bloodwork. For most of these people (both children and adults) the only treatment that was given was antidepressants or a programme at a psychiatric ward. Patients were met with disbelief, scorn and even abuse. 

Ofcourse, you all know that I'm talking about the people with ME/CFS. A multi system disease that in most cases seems to have been triggered by an infection. After over 50 years of dismissal, now ME/CFS is classified as a Post Viral Illness. Earlier this year, Dr. Fauci mentioned similarities between the Post Covid Syndrome and ME/CFS. That brought hope to the ME community: would this worldwide health crisis finally bring scientists to start researching Post Viral illnesses
At this time, unfortunately everything seems to go different: the Long Covid patients (about 10% of people that have had Covid) seem te be considered a new group. But is it really?


If you want my opinion (and who am I, but just an experiential expert for 39 years and health/life coach with a passion for medical research on this topic), this Post Viral Syndrome is nothing different than the other one. There may be a difference in symptoms, but that's always the case: we see similarities and (personal) differences in ME/CFS as well. Like there are differences and similarities in every patient with any disease. 

To me, this would seem like the perfect occasion to study Post Viral illnesses (like ME/CFS) and/or any post infectious illnesses (like Lyme, Q fever, etc.!) from the onset. A rare opportunity, because normally we rarely have so many people at the same time showing this result. And not because it did not exist before, but because then the infections are more spread, or because it is the one single case in the GP's office, it's not taken seriously. By the time it's finally diagnosed as a post infectious illness it's often years later. 
What makes some bodies respond to an infection like this? And why doesn't this happen to everybody? Doesn't that make you curious? (I am!!!)

I'm afraid the bets are placed on vaccines... There's easy money to be made there. So instead of putting their money on research of Post Viral illnesses, and maybe in the end cure millions of people all over the world (whose chronic condition cost a lot of money, by the way), they choose the short and easy: vaccines! A quick way to make a buck, no matter the cost of health (and lives?) in the long  run. Even though vaccines aren't as profitable as drugs, it still is a good investment. Look at the flu shot, for example. It's a nice income that returns every year. And you're not eligible for any damage, either so....sounds like a great business opportunity. 

We have seen the examples of this before: drugs that were regarded as safe, but caused terrible injuries and even deaths. And it's not that long ago that the industry felt the need to speed up the production of a vaccine for a pandemic called the Swine Flu. (Remember?)....As a result a substantial amount of people (mostly children) were left with an incurable disease called Narcolepsy. Are we in for a repetition of this huge mistake?


So....with all of that out of the way, I want to let you know there's no more to fear about this virus than any other.'s a very aggressive one ( I know from experience) and if it has you good, it's scary and you're really sick. If you are unlucky enough to have comorbidities it can even be life threatening. But so can other diseases too! I mean....HIV is scary, isn't it? West Nile virus, SARS....and who knows what more viruses will be coming in the  future? Will you be spending the rest of your life in fear? Do you really think we are able to control.....LIFE ? 

To be honest, the chances of dying from Covid 19 are pretty small. Ofcourse, depending on where you are in the risk-groups. But if you take a look at the statistics, even if you are in the highest risk group, your chance of dying of covid is 0.492%, whereas the chance of you dying of any other cause is 0.898% ( Bron: FD/RIVM/Sanquin). Maybe that's why this year the mortality rate in Holland is not higher than the average any other year, even though we might have the feeling it is. come back to the initial concern of developing a Post Viral illness: I'm afraid there's no guarantee that you will not develop it when you don't get Covid. Because, as I've mentioned above: you can get it from any virus or infectious disease. And we can't prevent anything if we don't know what really causes it, can we? 
If you want to do risk management, you should take into account all the risks that are involved here. Those are:
What's your chance of getting Covid 19? What's your chance of recovering from it? What's your chance of  being left with Post Viral illness? What are the chances of recovering from that because of the right treatment? And finally: what's the chance of vaccine injury? Maybe we can come to the conclusion that, whatever you decide, it's like placing a bet. Or even playing Russian Roulette. There's just no way any of us can be absolutely certain of any outcome. And maybe that's what feeds the fear: it's out of our hands. 

Let's face it: nobody wants to die. But it's a fact of life.... Who lives, will eventually die. That's the one thing we all know for sure. Don't let governments use a new diagnosis like Post Covid Syndrome as an excuse to force a "New Normal" (with a catastrophic economic and health damage as a result!) or obligated vaccines on us. It's not new....Even though this virus is. 

It's easy to use fear as a weapon of crowd control. Inform yourself through different sources. That leaves you with less fear and a free spirit. Fear never stopped anyone from dying. It only stops people from living.

Bless you all.

Sanna (Heel Gezonde Mama)


Want to read more? 

(artikel UK medical specialists how to treat Post Covid)

Swine flu vaccine 2009 : compensation for brain damaged victims in UK

In Dutch/ NL:
Mexicaanse griep vaccin - schadevergoeding en verloop van de pandemie aanpak

Friday, June 19, 2020

The power of intention

What If I could show you evidence that our words, our thoughts – our intention- influence the material (fysical) world?

 As part of our home schooling project, the kids started an experiment in May. We call it the “Love experiment”. We cooked some millet, let it cool of and devided it in equal proportions over two glass jars. These two jars were going to be subjected to two different treatments: one would receive love, and the other hatred.

For people who are familiar with his work, you probably recognised it: this is based on the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist who said human consciousness had an effect on the basic structure of watermolecules. He has written multiple books around this topic, of which the best known is probably: “the message of water". 

The idea is that water carries information. It takes on the frequency of what you signal it. So your thoughts, your words - in short: your intention- that you send out to it, will change the structure of the water. In his work, Emoto photographed the water crystals through a microscope. We couldn’t do that ofcourse. So we used the millet (which, because it’s cooked is  full of water) to see if there would be any effect.

As you can see: it all started out the same. To make sure we wouldn’t make a mistake, I labelled the jars after closing. We planned to talk to our jars every day. One we would treat with loving, caring words, the other one would get verbal abuse. I have to say, I had a lot of problems doing the latter. I felt só sorry for that little jar! And it’s not very re assuring to find out that two of my kids had no problem whatsoever to call that little bloke all kinds of names. Shocking!!!😱

On top of that we put two notes underneath them: one with a loving message, and one with spiteful remarks. We kept them standing next to eachother on the top shelf in the fridge. So circumstances were the same.

After the first week, we noticed that we had forgotten to talk to them after a few days. But when we checked, we immediately saw our experiment was really doing something: the love jar was looking good. In fact, it was actually looking a bit better than when we put it in. The millet was more fluffy and it was still white. The hate-jar however…had sunk in and started to develop mold. Now the kids were really motivated! And it became easier to yell at the hate-jar. They scolded him for being ugly, and discusting….(poor guy). The love jar got even more love than before: “Oh, you’re so pretty…look at you!” We held it in our arms, cradled it….Whereas the hate jar was chucked into the fridge without a second glance. Or with an extra curse.

 What do you tell yourself?

Well….to make a long story short: we’re now 4 weeks into the experiment. And it’s truly amazing! We really don’t talk to them every day. More often than not we forget them. So this experiment can not be about neglect. Then both jars would be rotten. No, this is purely the intention with which we treat our little jars. Let the pictures speak for themselves….Isn’t that amazing?


1 week into the experiment.. See the difference?

This is week 2
This is today...

So what does this experiment show us? Well….if our intention and choice of words can do so much to millet that is (as far as we know) not conscious and has no emotions (so how can it feel hurt?)….What can it do to us? That’s the question that we have discussed together. What do you tell yourself? What do you say to others? 

To me it even goes further. Because as many of you may know, I’m convinced everything in our universe is energy. The things we see with our eyes is simply energy that’s more dense. What Emoto has shown us in his experiments and what our little millet experiment shows, is that we change the expression of matter by aiming our intention in a certain way.

 Now, this experiment is more important than ever!

Now with all the big changes and emotional eruptions that take place all over the world, this experiment is more important than ever! It is often said: “Energy flows where attention goes”, and our little jars show exactly that. If we place our attention on the negative, ugly, angry things…that’s exactly what we grow and harvest. However, when our focus is on positivity, gratitude, love and compassion….that’s when we fuel others to shine, to prosper….Look at our millet!!!!

So…that’s why my social media is about empowering messages. How tempted I might be sometimes to share things that show the things that are unfair, or injust….I hold myself back. I try to turn it around and focus on the positive side: “what would love do?”, I ask myself. And that way my messages get a different tone. This way I hope to empower as much people as I can.

 What would love do?

I know we all have a job to do in this time of transformation. Crises (big and small) help us find our purpose. Some are the ones that point out the dark shadows. Others will help you to see the light. I found out pointing out and fighting the shadows makes me ill. Seriously ill. I am the kind of person who wants to lift people up. That’s my mission. So…when you ask me “why don’t I ever hear you about…(Whatever injustice in the world is happening)?” I can tell you now: I focus on healing. Mind you, I’m very much aware of all the things that are wrong. Maybe even more than a lot of people. But by focussing on how “bad it all is”, I will not help our world make the transition. I will not make people feel less scared. I will not empower my children to help and make this world a better place. It will only paralyze them with fear.

Focus on what you want to see grow. Send that intention in to the universe. And you will see, that things will go differently. In your own environment and on a bigger scale. Yes, I know, it will take some time. Matter moves slowly. And minds move slowly. And when you light up a lantern and shine in a dark cave, you will see all the spiders, creepers and shadows first. But the light is what makes it visible. And when it’s visible, they can either be eliminated or they go away because they’re afraid.

Focus on what you want to see grow

Thank you, my dear brothers and sisters all over the world for showing out all which is wrong. It’s a challenging task, and in some places it is even very dangerous. We owe you, big time. Thank you, everyone, who stands and speaks up for justice and freedom anywhere. And for all of us, who feel our planet needs us: focus your attention on where you would want our world to go. Feel the love…..for our planet. For humanity, for our fellow creatures…. We can do it. And if you ever doubt your power: try the Love experiment! J

Take care of yourselves and eachother,

“mama” Sanna

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Positive Energy in the middle of chaos....

I've been ill with a virus for almost two weeks now. We suspect it is THE virus, Corona but here in the Netherlands we only test people who are so severely ill they end up in hospital. So it remains a wild guess.

I don't know about you, but I felt so overwhelmed by everything that was going on: from conspiracy believers on the one hand, panicked hoarders on the other....I felt I just had to shut myself off from all of that and create my own space. And then I got sick.....and the virus had a central spot in my life again. Grmbl.....I couldn't let it do that, could I?
So...I had been making short video's the week before for my Dutch followers.Videos in which I shared uplifting messages. I called them Messages from the Heart. And I was planning to do English versions too, but then I was out for a while ofcourse. So a couple of days ago, I felt like I was getting more strength back, so I shot a short video in which I tell you about my quick meditation routine to get me out of stress-mode. I placed it on IGTV, so if you click on the picture below, you can see it too.

Why messages from the Heart?

In this series I'll share tools and inspired messages to help you keep your frequency up in these challenging times.
Because I believe we as humans all have the capacity to connect with Sourse (or All that IS) it's silly to call this "messages from the world of Spirit" or something crazy like that. I am n contact with this other dimension through my hear, and it's something we all can do. And because my name can be translated as "Young Heart", I thought this was the best title to give it.

I hope it will help lift your spirits, and I'm sending you all my best wishes for you and your loved ones.

Love, Mama Sanna