Sunday, May 5, 2019

locked in

It is dark and quiet
I hear the beating of my heart
A reassuring sound, in te middle of a hurricane
In my brain it shakes, flashes, crackles and hums
My whole body is shaking with it
Every muscle, painfully trembling
I'm cold
The blanket hurts the tips of my toes
Get it of me!
Noone hears me
My breathing is slow
Too slow to my liking
My heart joins in
Beating strong in a slow motion
My muscles relax
The pain rises
My body's asleep and stopped moving
Hey! I'm still awake!
Noone hears me
the sleep gets even deeper
But I'm not with it
I want to get out
I feel my hand
But I can not move it
I want to shout
But my mouth keeps quiet and shut
I want  to sigh
But my breath is asleep
And I surrender...
I wait....
Untill my body will have a little bit
of energy to hand me back the steering wheel
How long will that last this time?
One hour? Two? A day?
Or will I never get out?
Don't go there...
Don't give way to fear
I want to scream
My mouth doesn't remember how
Drifting on waves of fear and surrender
I wait for the moment of liberation
One and a half...
When my hands and feet get warm
I know it's almost there
My body is waking up
And I...I feel beaten
A deep sigh, moving hands
My eyes and  ears made clear
Are you awake? My daughter asks
Sunny, cheery golden child
She has no clue of my trip to the Underworld
And I leave it that way...
Tears run down my cheeks
As I kiss her soft golden hair
Grateful that I still can


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