Sunday, October 11, 2020

The missing link in "the Secret" part 2

2 days ago I wrote about the Missing Link in the Secret. (You can find it here) But it wasn't complete. The fact is, it's not easy to find the words to fully describe the process. That's why there have been so many misunderstandings about it ofcourse. That's why for tens of thousands of years, people have been trying to figure it out. And that's why I can't blame the makers of the Secret that they "forgot" that chapter. Because their task was to make us aware it existed. From there on, we had to embark on the journey to unlock this powerful tool that we all have to our disposal.

The beautiful thing that is happening now, is that I see we -as: all of us, humans- are now ready to really grasp it. We have evolved enough to be able to "see" it! Both on a personal level and as a society we have come to a level of consciousness that we know that there's more to life than the things we can see, taste or touch. In other words: that there's more "out there" than we can conceive with our 5 senses. And the most beautiful thing is, that it's not only a "belief system" anymore, but that even science can "see" it! Einstein talked about energy and timelines. That may have sounded difficult or even abracadabra, but Quantum Physics proves us he was right. And where in the old days, the "ordinary" man in the street wouldn't have access to all this information, now the internet and our education has given everybody the key to unlock this knowledge. The secret is out!
As a matter of fact, apparently this information is so crucial to our further development/evolution that I see the subject coming up everywhere. That's no coincidence, that's synchronicity. A major part of the Law of Attraction and I love to talk about that some more in the future. Just yesterday I noticed that my friend
had also posted a blog on "the missing link in the Secret". How amazing is that? I love those synchronicities. And it proved to me how important it is to share this information with you all in these times. We are ready for it! We are making the shift to a broader consciousness !

So...that all being we go. I told you about the emotions as a key factor in the message that you send out to the universe. Today I want to dive deeper in that, because these emotions are connected to beliefs and patterns that have their roots not only in your childhood, but even further than that.
What're not only this person that we see now? What if the real you, the you inside of you is an everliving consciousness that goes on forever? Like they say: a spiritual being, having an earthly experience? Let's make it simple and call that part of you, the soul. This soul is everlasting and exists in and outside of this body. It has been in a body before, and will be in a new body here after. And in between...well we'll talk about that some more some other time. 🙂
This inner you, your Soul, also has experiences. And from those you have also formed beliefs and patterns.
But this soul is also connected to all of us. We are deeply connected on energy/soul level. We are one! So there are also collective experiences. Like the ones we can find in our history books. And then there's your ancestors, your family history. There are a lot of experiences there, too. Which all, subconsciously, live inside of YOU. (There is a part of the science of genetics, called epigenetics that also focuses on that part. very interesting!)
So ALL of that, that huge amount of "information" is somewhere in your subconsciousness. And it forms your belief system, your behaviour for a very large part.

So now you want to create your dream life. Let's take an example. You want to be rich. You watched the Secret, you use affirmations and you are ready to create. But it doesn't happen. Now what?
Here the real work starts. What is blocking you? There are many layers to discover here. And just like this work will take effort and time, explaining it all in detail will take many words and much of your time. It's a journey. A journey in one's Self and with that journey come all kinds of discoveries.
Key to be able to really undertake this journey is....surrendering. To let go of wanting to control the outcome. To really trust that there is a greater mind, a higher consciousness that assists you in your journey. That will bring you what is needed to come to the outcome you really intrinsically desire. And here's something to realize: when you go down this path and dive down in the deeper layers of you, peel yourself off like an onion to come to the core....You might just realise that the original desire "I want to be rich" suddenly isn't that important anymore. You might find out that your true wishes are something entirely different. And that thát is why it didn't happen! You might find out your soul had a total different purpose in mind when you came here. And the wish "to be rich" was a wish that came from your ego, your personality for some reason. Maybe you have experienced poverty in childhood, for instance. Or you felt you needed to be rich to achieve some kind of status. Then the underlying emotion is always one of lack, of "needing" something to feel better. But in order to create, you already should be feeling the emotion of what you're attracting. Because "Like attracts like", right? So if you're desperate and you're trying to attract happiness and abundance....that just doesn't match up!

So...simply put: the LOA only works when your emotions and the intentions of your soul are in sync with your desire. If they don't match up, you won't attract it. That doesn't necessarily mean that you won't be able to get to your desired outcome, but it will take an enormous effort. You will only get there by sheer will power. Whereas, if you get in the flow of the LOA everything comes to you easily. You will see synchronicities happening everywhere, and that will push you forward even more. Creating will be fun!

Try to trust the process you're in. Even when you're experiencing difficulties and challenges. When you look from the perspective of the soul, this everlasting "you", this lifetime is just a blink of an eye. A millisecond in eternity! Everything that happens in our lives is happening FOR us, not TO us. It's there to help us come closer to our real selves. Closer to Source.
Abundance is in everything. Even in sorrow and pain. And I know that is really hard to believe sometimes. But what if your suffering is needed to be able to become a "better" version of you in the long run? What if your suffering forces you to go in a different direction and because of that you will live your purpose? And what if someone's suffering is needed to raise the consciousness of a community or even the whole of humankind?
It is in the "letting go"; the surrender that we will give room to the universe to get us to our desired outcome. But letting go might just be the hardest part of it all.

Friday, October 9, 2020

The Missing Link in "the Secret" part 1

When we talk about the "Law of Attraction", lots of people think about the movie The Secret. Back in the day, this was a lifechanging film for most of us. Remember?
For me, it was the first time that I consciously realized that we attract life events, people, situations etc. by the vibration that we send out. "Like attracts like".

I've always been very good at attracting things. But I wasn't consiously doing it. Except for parking places. 😜 I álways find a parking spot, where ever I go. It's always been that way. And I created really wonderful things in my life: when I really wanted something, it just happened. But on the flipside: I could create chaos and dramas in my life as well. Gained money, lost money...built businesses, busted businesses. I just didn't know what I was doing. In terms of the Law of Attraction (LOA): I was sending out mixed messages. (and that's an understatement 🙈)

After the Secret, I met many people that were pushing their way to "abundance". Most of them failed. "Ah, that stuff doesn't work", they said. But worked!
If they, with their conscious mind, sent out the message: I'm rich!, but subconsiously were convinced that "I need money", "I don't have enough money" or "please, I need money!", they sent out a totally different message! the message the Universe received was: "I'm in lack". OK, the universe said: we'll give you more of that.

So what's the deal here? What did the Secret fail to mention? In short: energy responds to energy. And we transmit energy by our feelings, our emotions. And these emotions are triggered by our thoughts. But most of all by our subconscious thoughts.
Our conscious mind only makes up 5% of our thoughts. That means we are run by our subconscious mind for 95% of the time! Now I don't know about you, but the beliefs, patterns and thoughts that my subconscious mind had stored up weren't exactly that positive about abundance. In my conscious mind I could say "I'm open to receive", but 95% of me said: "you're not worth it"!!

This happened to me in relationships, business, name it. I emptied myself out everywhere, and if I received (as I said: I AM a very good creator!), I gave it away or lost it immediately. I just didn't know what to do with it.

In the FREE 4 day workshop, starting on october 12, we will talk about the Law of Attraction too. In day 1, we will talk about what your perfect day would look like. And on day 2 we will discuss the money vibes. Because what we think about money, says a lot about how we think of ourselves and of life in general. To me, the money mindset course was a real eye opener! I will tell you more about that later.

Anyway...there's more to the Law of Attraction than you think. And I will tell you about it here But if you get down to the core of that "Secret", you will find that life is abundant. In éverything!!! And it gives us everything we need. Yes....everything. (even though we don't always like it at first glance)

Sanna J.