Friday, October 9, 2020

The Missing Link in "the Secret" part 1

When we talk about the "Law of Attraction", lots of people think about the movie The Secret. Back in the day, this was a lifechanging film for most of us. Remember?
For me, it was the first time that I consciously realized that we attract life events, people, situations etc. by the vibration that we send out. "Like attracts like".

I've always been very good at attracting things. But I wasn't consiously doing it. Except for parking places. 😜 I álways find a parking spot, where ever I go. It's always been that way. And I created really wonderful things in my life: when I really wanted something, it just happened. But on the flipside: I could create chaos and dramas in my life as well. Gained money, lost money...built businesses, busted businesses. I just didn't know what I was doing. In terms of the Law of Attraction (LOA): I was sending out mixed messages. (and that's an understatement 🙈)

After the Secret, I met many people that were pushing their way to "abundance". Most of them failed. "Ah, that stuff doesn't work", they said. But worked!
If they, with their conscious mind, sent out the message: I'm rich!, but subconsiously were convinced that "I need money", "I don't have enough money" or "please, I need money!", they sent out a totally different message! the message the Universe received was: "I'm in lack". OK, the universe said: we'll give you more of that.

So what's the deal here? What did the Secret fail to mention? In short: energy responds to energy. And we transmit energy by our feelings, our emotions. And these emotions are triggered by our thoughts. But most of all by our subconscious thoughts.
Our conscious mind only makes up 5% of our thoughts. That means we are run by our subconscious mind for 95% of the time! Now I don't know about you, but the beliefs, patterns and thoughts that my subconscious mind had stored up weren't exactly that positive about abundance. In my conscious mind I could say "I'm open to receive", but 95% of me said: "you're not worth it"!!

This happened to me in relationships, business, name it. I emptied myself out everywhere, and if I received (as I said: I AM a very good creator!), I gave it away or lost it immediately. I just didn't know what to do with it.

In the FREE 4 day workshop, starting on october 12, we will talk about the Law of Attraction too. In day 1, we will talk about what your perfect day would look like. And on day 2 we will discuss the money vibes. Because what we think about money, says a lot about how we think of ourselves and of life in general. To me, the money mindset course was a real eye opener! I will tell you more about that later.

Anyway...there's more to the Law of Attraction than you think. And I will tell you about it here But if you get down to the core of that "Secret", you will find that life is abundant. In éverything!!! And it gives us everything we need. Yes....everything. (even though we don't always like it at first glance)

Sanna J.

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