Friday, June 19, 2020

The power of intention

What If I could show you evidence that our words, our thoughts – our intention- influence the material (fysical) world?

 As part of our home schooling project, the kids started an experiment in May. We call it the “Love experiment”. We cooked some millet, let it cool of and devided it in equal proportions over two glass jars. These two jars were going to be subjected to two different treatments: one would receive love, and the other hatred.

For people who are familiar with his work, you probably recognised it: this is based on the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist who said human consciousness had an effect on the basic structure of watermolecules. He has written multiple books around this topic, of which the best known is probably: “the message of water". 

The idea is that water carries information. It takes on the frequency of what you signal it. So your thoughts, your words - in short: your intention- that you send out to it, will change the structure of the water. In his work, Emoto photographed the water crystals through a microscope. We couldn’t do that ofcourse. So we used the millet (which, because it’s cooked is  full of water) to see if there would be any effect.

As you can see: it all started out the same. To make sure we wouldn’t make a mistake, I labelled the jars after closing. We planned to talk to our jars every day. One we would treat with loving, caring words, the other one would get verbal abuse. I have to say, I had a lot of problems doing the latter. I felt só sorry for that little jar! And it’s not very re assuring to find out that two of my kids had no problem whatsoever to call that little bloke all kinds of names. Shocking!!!😱

On top of that we put two notes underneath them: one with a loving message, and one with spiteful remarks. We kept them standing next to eachother on the top shelf in the fridge. So circumstances were the same.

After the first week, we noticed that we had forgotten to talk to them after a few days. But when we checked, we immediately saw our experiment was really doing something: the love jar was looking good. In fact, it was actually looking a bit better than when we put it in. The millet was more fluffy and it was still white. The hate-jar however…had sunk in and started to develop mold. Now the kids were really motivated! And it became easier to yell at the hate-jar. They scolded him for being ugly, and discusting….(poor guy). The love jar got even more love than before: “Oh, you’re so pretty…look at you!” We held it in our arms, cradled it….Whereas the hate jar was chucked into the fridge without a second glance. Or with an extra curse.

 What do you tell yourself?

Well….to make a long story short: we’re now 4 weeks into the experiment. And it’s truly amazing! We really don’t talk to them every day. More often than not we forget them. So this experiment can not be about neglect. Then both jars would be rotten. No, this is purely the intention with which we treat our little jars. Let the pictures speak for themselves….Isn’t that amazing?


1 week into the experiment.. See the difference?

This is week 2
This is today...

So what does this experiment show us? Well….if our intention and choice of words can do so much to millet that is (as far as we know) not conscious and has no emotions (so how can it feel hurt?)….What can it do to us? That’s the question that we have discussed together. What do you tell yourself? What do you say to others? 

To me it even goes further. Because as many of you may know, I’m convinced everything in our universe is energy. The things we see with our eyes is simply energy that’s more dense. What Emoto has shown us in his experiments and what our little millet experiment shows, is that we change the expression of matter by aiming our intention in a certain way.

 Now, this experiment is more important than ever!

Now with all the big changes and emotional eruptions that take place all over the world, this experiment is more important than ever! It is often said: “Energy flows where attention goes”, and our little jars show exactly that. If we place our attention on the negative, ugly, angry things…that’s exactly what we grow and harvest. However, when our focus is on positivity, gratitude, love and compassion….that’s when we fuel others to shine, to prosper….Look at our millet!!!!

So…that’s why my social media is about empowering messages. How tempted I might be sometimes to share things that show the things that are unfair, or injust….I hold myself back. I try to turn it around and focus on the positive side: “what would love do?”, I ask myself. And that way my messages get a different tone. This way I hope to empower as much people as I can.

 What would love do?

I know we all have a job to do in this time of transformation. Crises (big and small) help us find our purpose. Some are the ones that point out the dark shadows. Others will help you to see the light. I found out pointing out and fighting the shadows makes me ill. Seriously ill. I am the kind of person who wants to lift people up. That’s my mission. So…when you ask me “why don’t I ever hear you about…(Whatever injustice in the world is happening)?” I can tell you now: I focus on healing. Mind you, I’m very much aware of all the things that are wrong. Maybe even more than a lot of people. But by focussing on how “bad it all is”, I will not help our world make the transition. I will not make people feel less scared. I will not empower my children to help and make this world a better place. It will only paralyze them with fear.

Focus on what you want to see grow. Send that intention in to the universe. And you will see, that things will go differently. In your own environment and on a bigger scale. Yes, I know, it will take some time. Matter moves slowly. And minds move slowly. And when you light up a lantern and shine in a dark cave, you will see all the spiders, creepers and shadows first. But the light is what makes it visible. And when it’s visible, they can either be eliminated or they go away because they’re afraid.

Focus on what you want to see grow

Thank you, my dear brothers and sisters all over the world for showing out all which is wrong. It’s a challenging task, and in some places it is even very dangerous. We owe you, big time. Thank you, everyone, who stands and speaks up for justice and freedom anywhere. And for all of us, who feel our planet needs us: focus your attention on where you would want our world to go. Feel the love…..for our planet. For humanity, for our fellow creatures…. We can do it. And if you ever doubt your power: try the Love experiment! J

Take care of yourselves and eachother,

“mama” Sanna

Tips on books from dr. M. Emoto:

The message of water 

Messages from water and the universe

Love Thyself

The true power of water

And much more.....

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Love, Sanna