Tuesday, September 17, 2013

recipe: powerboost!

Green smoothie with the taste of autumn...

Autumn has really begun…This is the time of year when all of us are confronted with darkness. Darkness around us (grey clouds, rain, heavy winds, less hours of sunlight) often triggers the feelings of gloom and darkness inside us. Our body also responds to this change of energy: we get a cold or catch a case of the flue. This is all part of this time of the year: nature invites us to go “inside”: inside our houses, and inside ourselves….

In the Christian tradition, this time of the year is being accompanied by the Archangel St. Michael. He slayed the dragon (devil) and banned him out of Heaven. A beautiful metaphor for what’s going on inside of us: to find our inner balance (heaven) we sometimes have to slay a dragon (or two…or ten ;) ). When nature forces us to go inside, we are bound to come across some of our dragons: hidden way deep inside. They have been asleep all summer long, but now they pop up and challenge us to look them straight in their faces! What do you want to do about it?

Look at it, as an open invitation. You are the one who decides to clean up your old pain, anger or grief, or to leave it and sweep it under the carpet! Becoming a conscious, balanced person, involves taking responsibility and making choices on a conscious level. You are free to choose, but do decide!

These old pains can hamper you in your way to inner balance. And an imbalance keeps you from
St. Michael and the dragon
(photo: internet, source unknown)
being whole and healthy. Acknowledging that these old pains are there, to respect your feelings about them can already help to restore balance. Dragons that are not acknowledged will keep popping up when you least want them to. When you decide to face them, whether you clean them up or want to keep them, the balance is already so much better. If you do want to keep these old grudges, fears, pains or grievances, make sure you put them somewhere safe. That is: make a conscious choice to keep them and find a place for them in you heart or memories. And if you do decide to get rid of them, find help if you can not face these emotions or memories alone. You are not alone out there! Every person has their own battles to fight, their dragons to slay. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.

For all of you, fighting spiritual and physical dragons, here’s a wonderful green smoothie that will boost up your immune-system and spirit. In loving honour of St. Michael…



4 bananas
1 handful of red berries
½ handful of blue berries
1 figue
2 small apples or 1 bigger apple, preferably sour tasting
1 ripe pear (peeled)
½ avocado
½ handful of Goji berries, soaked overnight in spring water
dash of lemon juice
Goji berry water (where they soaked in) to taste
Cinnamon to taste (I used ½ tsp)
1 tablet of chlorella
Vitamin C, eq. 1500 mg in tablet or powder
½ TSP Mesquite
1 handful of spinach
1 handful of rapunzel/lamb’s lettuce
1 leave of chard

Blend really well. This will fix you 1 litre of goodness. I thrive on it the whole morning, but you can also share, of course! The taste is sweet and sour, just like this time of the year: the sourness of facing your demons, followed by the sweet aftertaste of victory when you found your inner balance. Namasté!
